Light Beer Filtered Zhiguli Bar
450 ml
9.90 RON
(22.00 RON/lt)
"Zhiguli Bar" Beer has been produced according to the original recipe since 1968. Selected malt, fine aroma of zhatetsky hops and soft water from the depth of 320 meters give "Zhiguli Bar" beer its individual and unique taste.
per 100 gr
Water, Brewing Barley malt , hops.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store in a dark place at + 2 ° C to + 25 ° C. After the package is opened, it should be consumed immediately.
"Zhiguli Bar" Beer has been produced according to the original recipe since 1968. The beer is from the legendary Moscow restaurant "Zhiguli" which embodies the best traditions of the 20th century. Selected malt, fine aroma of zhatetsky hops and soft water from the depth of 320 meters give "Zhiguli Bar" beer its individual and unique taste. The fermentation process lasts 21 days which allows to preserve the unique aroma of hops, give the beer a refreshing bitterness and a full malt "body".
Manufacturer information
Moskovskaya Pivovarennaya Kompania
Phone: +7 495 788-54-33
Address: Volkovskoe sh., 12, Mitishti, Moskovskaya obl., Rossia, 141008

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