Apple Cider El Gaitero Extra
750 ml
Apple juice concentrate 92.79%, sugar 6.37%, carbon dioxide, tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, sulfur dioxide, sorbic acid.
Terms and conditions of storage
Keep in a cool, dry place at temperatures below 25 ºC.
Aroma: complex aromas of ripe fruit.Taste: stable balance of acidity and sweetness, which are combined in a long and very individual aftertaste.Perfect accompaniment to: light snacks. Excellent as an aperitif.
Manufacturer information
El Gaitero
Firm name: El Gaitero
Phone: 985890100
Address: La Espuncia s/n 33300, Villaviciosa Asturias

Анна Съботинова
Изненадващо вкусен, свеж, лек! а презентацията му е страхотна. Стана изненада на пикник.