Zefir Vanilla in chocolate Charovey
95 g
Захар, шоколадова глазура (захар, какаова маса, какаово масло; емулгатори: соев лецитин, E476; ароматизант “ванилин”), ябълково пюре (ябълки, консервант E220), яйчен белтък, меласа, желиращ агент- пектин (стабилизатор E452i), регулатори acidity: sodium citrate 3-sophisticated, citric acid; Fragrance: "vanilla", vanilla extract; enzyme preparation of microbial origin Invertase. It may contain traces of milk. Invertase is produced in the human body and is one of the main enzymes in honey.
Terms and conditions of storage
Store at air temperature (18 ± 3) ° C and relative air humidity not more than 75%. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight during storage. Co -storage with a specific odor is not allowed.
Manufacturer information
Krasnyj Pishchevik
Phone: +375(225)436828
Address: st. Bakharova, 145, 213800, Mogilev region, Bobruisk, Republic of Belarus

Неплохие, но многовато сахара и навязчивый ванильный аромат - нет баланса